0:06 Welcome to this Application Explainer video, part of our SLM Instrumented Systems topic range.
0:12 In this video, we’ll be covering the subject of cause and effect matrices within SLM.
0:19 Within the SLM Instrumented Systems module, users can create and manage cause and effect matrices to specify logic and actions for the Instrumented Systems functions.
0:31 The following information will be covered in this training.
0:34 Chapter one will be creation of cause and effect matricy objects, Chapter 2 will be the setup of the cause and effects matrix, Chapter 3 will be Actions and notes.
0:46 Chapter 4 will be populating the cause and effect matrix, Chapter 5 will be configuring the cause and effect actions and Chapter 6 will be exporting the cause and effect matrix.
1:03 In Chapter 1 we’ll be covering how to add the cause and effect matrix object and things to consider where the cause and effect matrix will reside within the SLM system.
1:16 To create an SLM Cause and Effects matrix, the user will have to come to Instruments and Systems module, come across the object tree and click on the Units level.
1:29 From here they can go to the Edit Tools, drop down and click on Add Cause and Effects matrix.
1:43 We then have this Add Cause and Effects Matrix popup window where we can add the cause and effect ID.
1:56 We’ll use C training.
1:58 We will then use this Save and Edit button to navigate directly to the new cause and Effect matrix.
2:06 We’ll also note that the Cause and effect matrix has been created in the object tree underneath the desired unit.
2:17 Chapter 2.
2:18 In this chapter we will cover the Cause and Effects matrix properties, the association of functions and instruments within the Cause and Effects matrix, and things to consider.
2:29 The Cause and Effects matrix will auto populate with data filled in on the SLM functions and instrument objects.
2:36 Have you completed filling in the data fields on these objects?
2:42 Once the Cause and Effect matrix objects has been created, it’s now time to run through the setup.
2:48 So if we come to the Setup tab, we can see here that we can edit the Cause and Effects matrix properties.
2:55 Properties such as name, description, and revision, or the user can start by clicking on the Manage functions and selected iOS button that are going to be associated with this risk matrix.
3:10 Here we will see a list of functions that are available for selection.
3:14 These are the functions that exist at the same level and unit as the cause and effects matrix we’ve created.
3:21 We can see that we have the function type, the function ID, and the function description.
3:27 By selecting these, we’re saying that these will be associated with our cause and effects matrix.
3:33 If I now click next, this is showing us a list of the inputs and output that are again associated with the functions that were selected in the previous step.
3:44 I can individually select them, or you can associate all of them by clicking the square at the top.
3:52 Additionally, if any of the functions in the previous step had any related auxiliary functions, we can also associate these with our cause and effects matrix.
4:11 Once we have made all our selections and we’re satisfied, I’ll just select them all.
4:16 We can hit Save and now on the Setup tab we can see a list of the functions, the selected inputs, the selected outputs, and the selected auxiliary functions that are associated with our cause and effects matrix.
4:32 If we ever need to change, remove, or add any new functions or instrumentations, we can simply click on the Manage Functions and selected iOS button again and go through this process again.
4:50 In Chapter 3, we’ll cover the view of the Cause and effect actions and the creation of Cause and Effects notes.
4:59 Once we have finished selecting the functions and the instruments that will be associated with this Cause and Effects matrix, we can come across to the Cause and Effects Matrix tab.
5:09 If we Scroll down, you’ll notice that the functions and instruments that we chose during the setup phase will have information that has previously been populated on these objects.
5:24 This is automatically pulled into the C&E matrix for these functions, the inputs, and for the final elements.
5:41 If we scroll to the top left corner of the C&E matrix, we’ll be able to choose how many of the functions that we selected previously will be part of the cause and effects matrix grid.
5:55 And we also have the option to select whether the operation mode is normal, shut down, or start up.
6:03 In this space.
6:04 Just below we have the cause and effect matrix notes, and to the right of that we have the cause and effect actions.
6:11 These will be used to populate the logic at the intersections for the inputs and the final elements on this actual C&E matrix.
6:20 It’s only available where these intersection points are related.
6:28 In Chapter 4, we’ll cover how to populate the actions and notes for the cause and effects matrix, and things to consider.
6:36 Are all the necessary notes created prior to populating the cause and effects matrix.
6:41 Are the actions listed correctly for the Organizational standards for the C&E matrix notes in the top left hand corner, if we click Add C&E note, we can add a note description, just call it Note 1.
6:57 Then we click Save, we can see reference number is automatically assigned.
7:02 So let’s just add another note and we’ll just call it Note two Save changes.
7:11 The C&E actions are listed just to the right hand side of the notes and for the actual population of the C&E matrix at the intersections, we can simply click on the intersection of the input and output and make a selection from our list of actions and our list of notes here.
7:32 So de energize note one click save and we can see that the intersection is populated with de energize and note one.
7:43 On the next intersection, we go for alarm and Note 2 and save.
7:51 Now the C&E matrix is beginning to be populated in these intersections with the correct notes and actions.
8:01 In Chapter 5, we’ll cover configuring the cause and effects actions within the SLM Systems module and things to consider.
8:09 Does your user account have privileges to make these kind of changes to change or alter the C&E actions?
8:18 The user, if they have the correct privileges, can come to this.
8:22 Drop down and select the System module.
8:29 Search this system menu for C&E.
8:34 Hit Return.
8:36 The dropdown we’re after is the Cause and Effects effect actions, and in here we can edit existing actions, we can delete them, or we could add new ones with the Add Options button.
8:52 In Chapter 6, we’re going to cover how to export the Cause and Effects matrix if needed, in physical file format.
8:59 Once the See Any matrix is complete in SLM, if the end user needs a physical exported document, we can click on the Cause and Effects matrix in the object tree here, click on the Cause and Effects Matrix tab at the top, hit the Export button.
9:18 We can then choose an export location.
9:21 From there, we can open the export.
9:24 As you can see, we have the full C&E matrix document in exactly the same layout as it is in SLM, including the notes that we added.