Safety Lifecycle Engineering Solutions

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Safety Lifecycle Management (SLM) Engineering Solutions with Mangan Inc.

Mangan’s SLM solutions are implemented using our award winning SLM Software Platform by a Staff of over 30 TÜV Functional Safety Certified Engineers with over 700 years of functional safety experience.

Independent Protection Layer (IPL) Assessments

Required By: Clauses 8 and 9 of ANSI/ISA-84.001-2004 (IEC 61511) & ISA-84.01-1996.

Hazard and risk assessments identify the potential hazards, likelihoods and consequences involved in the process at your unit or facility. Safe process designs eliminate many of the hazards involved, as do both instrumented and non-instrumented safety functions.

Mangan will analyze your Process Hazard Analysis, P&IDs and loop drawings to both identify IPLs and to confirm the IPLs meet independence, specificity and dependability requirements from the Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA)/Safety Override Risk Assessment (SORA).

IPL assessments determine the required number of Safety Instrumented Functions (SIFs) and the Safety Integrity Levels (SILs) for each SIF. In some cases, over-engineering has occurred and expensive systems or controls that slow availability are eliminated from the process; resulting in increased efficiency’s.

Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Calculations

Required By: Clause 10 of ANSI/ISA-84.001-2004 (IEC 61511) & ISA-84.01-1996.

Hazard and risk assessments identify the potential hazards, likelihoods and consequences involved in the process at your unit or facility. Safe process designs eliminate many of the hazards involved, as do both instrumented and non-instrumented safety functions.

Mangan will analyze your Process Hazard Analysis, P&IDs and loop drawings to both identify IPLs and to confirm the IPLs meet independence, specificity and dependability requirements from the Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA)/Safety Override Risk Assessment (SORA).

IPL assessments determine the required number of Safety Instrumented Functions (SIFs) and the Safety Integrity Levels (SILs) for each SIF. In some cases, over-engineering has occurred and expensive systems or controls that slow availability are eliminated from the process; resulting in increased efficiency’s.

Safety Requirement Specifications (SRS)

Required By: Clause 10 of ANSI/ISA-84.001-2004 (IEC 61511) & ISA-84.01-1996.

An SRS lists the functional and integrity requirements of a SIS. The specifications dictate what process parameters are to be monitored, what the safety actions should be, how well the system needs to operate and installation and configuration specifications.

Our functional safety experts at Mangan analyze data within HAZOPs, PHAs, target Safety Integrity Levels (SILs), common cause failures, Safety Instrumented Systems (SISs), cause & effect and logic diagrams, process drawings and conditions and regulatory requirements to develop a concise specification that meets the 27 mandatory requirements of Clause 10; written to assist users of any discipline.

The SRS is one of the most important steps in the safety lifecycle and the design of your SIS. A SRS must be accurate or the system will be susceptible to systematic failures. In addition, Clause 15 states that during the inspection and testing of your SIS during the validation phase, the SRS must be the reference used by validation personnel in order to determine if any human error has occurred during the design phase.

Functional Safety Assessments (FSA)

Required By: Clause 5 of ANSI/ISA-84.001-2004 (IEC 61511) & ISA-84.01-1996.

The FSA judges the functional safety of a process and its protective layers using IEC 61508. Product design, field history (proven-in-use records), the safety lifecycle processes and documentation are studied when doing an assessment of the sensors, logic boxes and final elements of the system to ensure functionality.

Mangan’s team of functional safety experts conduct interviews with engineering, Safety Instrumented System (SIS) and PSM members, and review the hardware and software architectural failure behavior, the Safety Requirements Specifications (SRS), hardware design, validation testing results, failure/demand data and verification checklists to ensure compliance.

Clause 8 of IEC61508-1 states that those who carry out an FSA have adequate independence and competence. Mangan’s engineers have the experience, TÜV certification and validation processes perfected in some of the largest refineries in the country to meet the strict IEC requirements, and to limit the resources Required By: our clients.

Mangan Safety Lifecycle Engineering Solutions

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